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> Experience > Our practices > Divorce and family lawyers > Alternative dispute resolution

Family dispute lawyers

Going to court is not the only option in family matters. Our global team has pioneered alternatives like mediation, collaboration and arbitration, as well as our own approach to separation, Uncouple, to create more flexible solutions.

One of the hardest things in getting through the separation process with your partner is that, even if you both want to reach a fair agreement, it can be very difficult to talk to each other. Actually having to see each other in court can be even more stressful.

To help try to limit the impact on you and your family, there are a range of out-of-court, alternative dispute resolution options that enable you to find a solution whilst avoiding the emotional stress and financial cost of court adjudicated outcomes. These also have the added benefit of keeping the dispute away from the prying eyes of the divorce hungry media.

Options include mediation, collaboration and arbitration, and we have qualified/accredited alternative dispute resolution lawyers in all three. Many of our lawyers have been involved in developing these approaches and bringing them to family law. A number of our alternative dispute resolution solicitorsin Hong Kong, Singapore and London are qualified collaborative practitioners. We recently created a unique and flexible approach to separation which incorporates all of these options under one roof – Uncouple. Within one process and using just one team, Uncouple team helps clients move seamlessly and efficiently through to a solution tailored to their situation using whatever tools suit them best.

Choosing one of these non-court options can save you both money and time, but also will protect you against trauma and invasion of your privacy. As a law firm with numerous skilled alternative dispute resolution lawyers, we will talk you through these options in the first meeting whilst you are setting your case strategy, so you have the information you need to choose your best option.

Our team

Anisha Ramanathan

Anisha Ramanathan

Partner | Hong Kong

Anisha Ramanathan

Partner | Hong Kong

Divorce and family

Brett A Frankle

Brett A Frankle

Partner | London

Brett A Frankle

Partner | London

Divorce and family

Claire Blakemore

Claire Blakemore

Partner | London

Claire Blakemore

Partner | London

Divorce and family

Diana C Parker

Diana C Parker

Partner | London

Diana C Parker

Partner | London

Divorce and family

Katharine Landells

Katharine Landells

Partner | London

Katharine Landells

Partner | London

Divorce and family

Michael Gouriet

Michael Gouriet

Partner | London

Michael Gouriet

Partner | London

Divorce and family

Suzanne Todd

Suzanne Todd

Partner | London

Suzanne Todd

Partner | London

Divorce and family

Ivan Cheong

Ivan Cheong

Partner | Singapore

Ivan Cheong

Partner | Singapore



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